
This is all new to me! Don't know how well I will be able to keep it up, but I am going to give it a try!
A special thanks to JK for making me this awesome banner! You're the best!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mares! You read it wrong!

Quote from Mares "Note the little line ‘because what she [JKAmaryllis] told us is different from what you’re saying."
I was referring to Yaz. She told a totally different story as to why she(Yaz) was "kicked" out of Sim Sanctuary from what Em told. She didn't paint a pretty picture of you Em, not to me anyway.
As far as me being a criminal mastermind, gee I don't know what to say.
First off, I didn't even know that JK talked to Em or that she gave permission to Em about blogging until after the fact. Second, I am not a big fan of blogging about other people's crap, would never have agreeed to that being blogged. The whole reason Em and I had a disagreement in the first place and she kicked me out. Thirdly, I have better things to do with my time! Seriously, I am a mother of 2 teenagers.
Paint what ever picture you want of me, believe me I am not going to bed crying at night. You don't even know me. You take bits and pieces and make up stories to suite you and Em is a Mare's mini me so it kinda fits. If she wasn't trying to be like Mares she would have never posted that in haste, instead thought about it and got the facts straight and who knows what they are! I think part of Em believed it and that is why she posted it, until things didn't go in her favor, then she sang different tune.
I have 2 friends that battled cancer and my mother. You are not in the mood to eat and you don't get drunk a few days later...in fact alcohol is a no no. There are many things that were said that were contradictions, so questions were raised. I asked questions, I talked about it and that is the part I played.
I back JK 100%, there were reasons for her trying to find things out and that is all she was doing. So now she is the bad guy, lol. she is one of the sweetest people I know. In fact, I often thought of her being too sweet and not having enough backbone. She did not lie about anything! She was sharing her thoughts! Trying to find answers. I see it as Em thinking she had a hot story and couldn't wait to get it on the press. Yes Em did apologize but she heavily leaned on JK as being the true blame of it all. Not true.
This should of never have happened! But emotions get the best of us sometimes unfortunately.


JKAmaryllis said...

*hugs* Thank you for your support, Sun. You're an awesome friend and you're one of the reasons I stick around

Tori said...

Omg Sun I am so sorry the drama is still going on . I didn't know !! I need to be a better friend and be around more, if you never forgive I understand.. Tori

sun2401 said...

Thanks girls *hug*
No worries Tori! <3